Signs of life...the little moments filling my days, which can threaten my joy yet remind me that life is all around me. They are the moments that bring me to a crossroad: milk spills on the floor I blow a gasket and let her have it or do I get some rags and get to cleaning with her? Legos all over the kitchen I lose it because little things are always all over everything and everywhere or do I thank the Lord for the hands that push the Legos together. Dozens of cookie cutters littering the galley kitchen floor as I attempt to make breakfast...I can let out a roar of irritation or laugh at the Happy Moose who made the obstacle course. Well, since I'm no superhuman, I do both. I have a natural bend toward doing more of the exploding, but I am learning, slowly but surely, these "signs of life" are the things the Lord can use to let me ooze joy and let my loud, boisterous laugh ring out. I am learning that the signs of life, the messes and evidence of life happening around me, are gifts and joys, and if I stop and close my eyes for a moment, my perspective shifts and I can laugh instead of cry, and thank the Lord He is working on this sheep girl one sign at a time!
Skating for Hb=running as fast as you can on shoes with wheels. It's pretty impressive really.
This flooded front yard was too good to resist and I can still say it was a good decision after purging the washing machine and dryer of winter grass shreds.
It felt good to realize this was a "signs of life" moment and let them go crazy in a puddle in the front yard. It felt like a personal victory to let them run free in mud, grass, ankle deep January rain water.
She doesn't always want to pretend to be a ballerina, but when she does, she goes all out. She might have springs in her feet, for real. cute. This afternoon was an afternoon of mommy bliss. Drawing bows and hearts on a rocket ship she named. Sitting, watching her leap around to the "Ensemble" Dish Network Station. This particular afternoon was like what I imagined parenting was going to be like before I had kids, when parenting was extremely romanticized and filled with crafts and teachable moments.
She even wanted to PLAY, gasp!, with the happy moose and made a box train out of all those Aldi and Costco boxes littering the kitchen. It was amazing and filled my heart right up!
Until next time...